What do teachers think of the COTE Programme?
I unreservedly recommend the COTE ministry as a unique supplement to the faith formation of primary school children. The children encounter God in His Eucharistic Presence and in His word, enabling them in a special way to enter into and deepen that personal relationship with our indwelling living God, for which we all long and without which we will not know true and lasting peace. In addition, volunteers find, to their joy, as all teachers do, that in their giving, their ‘understanding of their subject’ grows continually and beyond expectation. COTE truly is blessed and a blessing. Not to be missed!
– Myra O’Regan, Retired Primary School Teacher, Millstreet, Co. Cork
This has been our first year involved in the Children of the Eucharist programme. As a teacher and a parent of a child in the class it has been fantastic to see the enthusiasm the children have during the visits. It is wonderful to watch their faith and understanding of God’s love for us grow. The scripture stories are helping bring Jesus to life and they enjoy talking about him and the many wonderful gifts he bestows on us every day. In a world that is busy and often confusing for children the Children of the Eucharist programme allows them time to reflect and appreciate all the many wonders of God’.
– Patricia O’Hare, Ballyholland N.S., Newry, Co. Down
The reason I support this ministry is because children need things to be really concrete for them to understand. When they come to adore Jesus, and see Him present in the monstrance they come to realise that this is the same Jesus that they will receive in Holy Communion. Listening to the bible stories at adoration helps them realise they are kneeling before the same Jesus the shepherds and kings knelt before in the manger.
And when they see Jesus being put from monstrance back into tabernacle they realise that Jesus is always present in the church and that is why we genuflect. In short, it all makes sense. And they get in the habit of talking to Jesus and listening to His voice. Sorry if that’s a bit long, take from it what you want but I now can’t imagine preparing kids for 1st communion without the adoration.
– Aisling Barry, Gaelscoil, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
As both a parent, and a teacher, and also one who has recently returned to her faith, I feel strongly the need for spiritual guidance, love and support from God the Father.
In these times, where we are constantly bombarded with noise and distraction from all around us, it is easily to ignore our need and desire (though that desire may be an unconscious one!), for inner peace and calm.
Since beginning the Cote programme, I have noticed a wonderful positive affect on the children. They are more considerate of each other’s feelings and indeed feelings of their own.
When children come to adore together, I cannot describe to you the atmosphere of gentle calm and goodness in the room. Children get the opportunity to talk to Jesus with their hearts and in return, feel His complete love and understanding for them. The children are always excited and enthusiastic about their monthly adoration and tell me afterwards how they feel “lighter”, “happier” and “all warm inside”.
Through COTE, I feel Jesus is opening a door, inviting His little ones in and showing them His heart and His divine love for his children.
He is renewing our faith in Him through our children, he is touching their hearts.
Thank you, Antoinette, Aoife and all who work so hard and are committed to spreading the cote ministry.
– Anne Marie Byrne, St. Pauls N.S., Navan, Co. Meath
Your mission has been completed at St.Mary’s!
The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed meeting you all and listening to learn more about adoration. Watching the video helped the children to understand that we are all on a path to a deeper understanding of God and to become closer to him.
Spending time praying and looking at Jesus through the monstrance gave us all time to walk away from the classroom learning and our busy lives to take timeout to reflect on our own relationship with God.
I really enjoyed being part of the day and reflecting on my own faith. As you agreed, our lives are very busy and we need to make time to speak to God but also to listen. Thank you for leading the day, it provided time for us all to be in the moment. I felt like I had been lying in a hot bubble bath and was in my comfy PJ’s!
The children soon felt relaxed and comfortable to share their thoughts too. They described hearing God telling them that he loves them and he would care for them. One child even requested to kneel at the altar to be closer to the Monstrance. This was wonderful to observe.
– Teresa Doolin, St. Mary’s Primary School, Chesterfield, England
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