Safeguarding Contact

Safeguarding Designated Liaison Persons

The role of Designated Liasion Persons for the COTE ministry is carried out by Catherine Dempsey and Catherine Sharkey. Their task is described in the national guidelines “Safeguarding Children” as follows:

  • To hear concerns relating to safeguarding, including any disclosures or allegations of abuse, and take responsibility for managing the response to that concern or disclosure, from start to finish. This includes the preliminary internal inquiry and referral to the Health Services Executive and/or An Garda Siochana / The Police Service of Northern Ireland.
  • To ensure that the person raising a concern, disclosing abuse, or making an allegation and anyone who is implicated by that are regularly informed about the progress of the inquiry process
  • To record all steps undertaken as part of this process.

Contact Details:

  1. Cathrine Dempsey (ROI)
    Tel: +353 86 840 2628
    Email: [email protected]
  2. Catherine Sharkey (NI)
    Tel: +44 (0) 7709 125696
    Email: [email protected]