Please join as we pray for the COTE ministry and all the children who come before Jesus, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist:
Prayer for God’s Blessing on Childrens’ Adoration

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, tender and kind, turn your affection towards the children of our parish.
Bless the schools and teachers, parents and families. You want all to come to know that you are truely present in the Blessed Sacrament, so that in you they may find a true friend and a listening ear in the midst of struggles and crosses.
Bless abundantly and draw closer to you the children who come before you in Eucharist Adoration. Grant many graces to their hearts.
Give them peace and joy in their tender years, and throughout their lives, so that one day they may see you face to face and come to adore you in the heavenly kingdom where you live with the Father and Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen
Our Lady Queen of Peace; Pray for us.
St Joseph; Pray for us.
St Nicholas, Patron Saint of Children; Pray for us.
Composed by Fr. Chris Donlon, Artist: Fintan Tracey.