
To date we have visited schools in every county nationwide, in Ireland. Schools are very open and welcoming and continue the monthly COTE programme with the help of parents or parishioners or the priests themselves. We have also visited secondary schools and the students have found their time in prayer most enjoyable.

In April 2016, we were invited to run the COTE programme, as part of a family week retreat at the Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer, in Scotland. We led the children and their families in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each day of the 5-day retreat. The COTE programme was received very well by children and parents alike. A number of the parents returned to their homes and parishes and asked their priests and principals, if the COTE programme could be initiated in their schools and parishes. The following November, we piloted COTE in 5 schools around Glasgow City. Local volunteer leaders meet with the children on a monthly basis and continue to lead the students in adoration. Since then, we have also initiated the COTE programme in Paisley, Hamilton, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

In February 2017, we initiated the COTE programme in a Catholic Primary School in Chesterfield, in England, following the invitation of a priest who heard about COTE after a visit to Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer, in Scotland. Over the course of a week, we introduced all of the primary school students in the P4 Class and over, to Eucharistic Adoration. The response from staff and students at the school was more than we could have hoped for. Since this initial visit to England, COTE has been initiated in schools in Sheffield, Doncaster and London as well as with the Sehion UK Ministries in Birmingham. Praise God!

Following a visit to Ireland, in February 2018, a Maltese Priest learned about the work of COTE and invited Antoinette to Malta in October 2018. During the week long visit the little children of St. Albert the Great School in Valetta were brought before Jesus in the Eucharist. All the students and teachers from Year 2 to 6 experienced the Eucharistic Jesus in adoration and were extremely moved by their encounter with Him. So much so, the Rector of the School invited COTE to return in April 2019 and lead the same students in a Lenten retreat. During this visit, COTE also initiated the programme in 2 new schools.

During 2018, a viewer in the United States watched the EWTN documentary which, beautifully reflects the work of the ministry. She was so moved by what she saw, she contacted COTE and extended an invitation to Antoinette to come to her home state of Alabama. In January 2019, this invitation was realised and the COTE programme began in 2 schools in Mobile and 2 more in Birmingham. Since then, Antoinette has been invited to the ‘Eucharistic Congress 2019’ by the Catholic Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama to lead the COTE programme for children, during the Congress.

With over 60,000 children and teens now experiencing Eucharistic Adoration, we hope to see the mission continue and grow, with your interest, support and indeed your call to partake in this Ministry. We hope you might consider this wonderful way of prayer for the youth of your diocese. Please keep this work in your prayers and pray that many young people, our future generation, will encounter Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

With the volunteer leaders’ continuous support each month, we see the development of the children’s relationship with Jesus. The children eagerly look forward to their next visit with great anticipation and excitement.

In accordance with the ‘Children of the Eucharist’ guidelines, it’s vital that we remain obedient to the format and structure which was inspired by the Holy Spirit.