Some feedback from our religious Sisters
Many years ago, in an interior locution, Jesus spoke to the heart of St. Teresa of Calcutta and said “Give me the souls of little children; I long for the purity of their love.”
I firmly believe that introducing children to Eucharistic Adoration, at an early age is one of the best ways of offering Jesus “the purity of their love” that, they long for.
From my own short experience of being part of this wonderful ministry, what strikes me most is the contentment of the children in Jesus’ presence. Even after the Blessed Sacrament has been reposed, they are reluctant to leave and go back to their school routine.
Children of the Eucharist is like the mustard seed; a seed that finds fertile soil, in the hearts of little children.
– Missionary of Charity Sister, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland
I have no hesitation whatever in highly recommending the ‘Children of the Eucharist’ programme. It instils in the children preparing to receive first Holy Communion a great reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. It also allows them to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, as their friend.
I have had the great privilege of exposing the Blessed Sacrament for the children of St. Ronan’s Primary School in recent years and can see the value of this enriching programme. I wholeheartedly believe that it should be delivered in every Catholic Primary School, throughout Ireland.
– Mother Attracta Devlin O.S.C., Newry, Co. Down
The Children of the Eucharist programme helps the children to develop a personal relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. Their faith helps them to believe that Jesus is really present. He loves them so much and He is their best friend. This conviction will hopefully flow into the children’s family homes.
– Sr. Briedge I.B.V.M. – Loreto Convent Dalkey, Co. Dublin.
Since we started Eucharistic Adoration on a monthly basis in our School, using the Cote Folder of Guiding Children in Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, a lovely atmosphere has developed in the School. One of our pupils said “this is like a School of Love. We’re not just learning about Jesus, we’re learning to love Jesus and to know how much He loves us.”
The children, all from Second Class, are developing a relationship with Jesus, their Best Friend. We have a Special Room in the School where we hold the monthly Adoration for the children. They come in to the room one Class at a time.
They look forward to their Visit. They love to kneel, bow down and adore Jesus. During Adoration they feel safe and happy, listened to and loved by Jesus. At the end of Adoration, they are looking forward to coming back again to visit Jesus their Best Friend. This was all made possible for us by COTE and the training we got from Antoinette. So, thank you so much and I hope many other children in other schools will introduce COTE to their schools.
– Sr. Una Marron F.M.A. – Teacher at Scoil Nano Nagle, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
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