It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the COTE website. We are the ‘Children of the Eucharist’ (COTE) Apostolate, a group of lay catholic people, set-up under the auspices of the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration in Ireland. Our mission is to enhance the faith of our children by guiding them gently in quiet prayer in the presence of Jesus, in the most holy Eucharist.
Children of the Eucharist Ireland was founded in October 2012. Whilst volunteering at the International Eucharistic Congress in 2012, I began to recognise the need for children to learn more about and take part in Eucharistic adoration, in a child friendly way. After a time of prayer and discernment, I decided to approach the Principal in the local primary school. She was very keen for the school to participate and welcomed the new programme. Very quickly, interest in the programme grew and it is now in many schools throughout Ireland. We recently visited schools in Scotland and England, where we are piloting the programme.
The reaction from both teachers and children alike is very positive. I have devised a particular format for programme, for all those interested in working under the banner of ‘Children of the Eucharist’ to follow. It’s very important to follow the format and to attend our training days and retreats. We pray about the ministry and have our Spiritual Director on board, to help us move forward. This ministry is very important and I believe Eucharistic adoration will become a core part of the formation in faith, of our young people in Ireland.
If you are interested in finding out more about the ministry or the COTE programme, please do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome your thoughts and questions and look forward to hearing from you! Please keep the work of the ministry in your prayers.
Together in Christ,
Antoinette Moynihan
Children of the Eucharist Founder & Coordinator