
[welcome_wrap][welcome_left image_path=”https://childrenoftheeucharist.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/cote-logo-with-name.jpg”][welcome_right sub_title=”About Us” title=”What is Children of the Eucharist?” button_text=”About More” button_link=”#”]Children of the Eucharist’ (COTE) is a fruit of the International Eucharistic Congress which, took place in Dublin in 2012 and was set-up under the auspices of the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration in Ireland. The work of the ministry involves speaking to schools about the real presence, the sacraments and leading students in adoration of the most holy Eucharist. EWTN Ireland joins the founder of the ministry, Antoinette Moynihan as she speaks to the students of Kentstown National School, in Co. Meath in Ireland and also films the work of COTE, at the annual national Eucharistic Pilgrimage to Ireland’s national Marian shrine, in Knock, Co. Mayo. Following a pioneer COTE mission in Alabama, in America, Antoinette is invited to share how children and families can encounter Jesus in a personal, intimate way through ‘Children of the Eucharist’, in a two-part programme, hosted by Jim & Joy Pinto on ‘At Home with Jim & Joy’. True Light Catholic Media interviews Antoinette and Fr. Aaron Zahra, Rector of St. Albert the Great College in Valetta, Malta where the programme was initiated in 2018. COTE help form true disciples of Jesus Christ, by helping children to come to know Him. It’s through the most Blessed Sacrament that, we encounter Jesus. COTE helps children to have a relationship with Jesus, through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.[/welcome_right][/welcome_wrap]

[row][column col=”4″][features image_path_icon=”http://localhost/rising/cruiser/wp-content/themes/cruiser-pro/images/fea-1.png” title=”Luxury and Quality Yacht” button_text=”Choose Yacht” button_link=”#”]We are trusted for our expertise, and it is the first-hand insights of our charter brokers that raise the bar.[/features][/column][column col=”4″][features image_path_icon=”http://localhost/rising/cruiser/wp-content/themes/cruiser-pro/images/fea-2.png” title=”Professional and Expert Crews” button_text=”Meet Crews” button_link=”#”]We are trusted for our expertise, and it is the first-hand insights of our charter brokers that raise the bar.[/features][/column][column col=”4″][features image_path_icon=”http://localhost/rising/cruiser/wp-content/themes/cruiser-pro/images/fea-3.png” title=”Value for Spending Money” button_text=”Pricing Plan” button_link=”#”]We are trusted for our expertise, and it is the first-hand insights of our charter brokers that raise the bar.[/features][/column][/row]

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[container] [row] [fullwidth_column] [section_title title=”What is ‘Children of the Eucharist’? Watch and learn…” subtitle=”‘Children of the Eucharist’ (COTE) is a fruit of the International Eucharistic Congress which, took place in Dublin in 2012 and was set-up under the auspices of the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration in Ireland. The work of the ministry involves speaking to schools about the real presence, the sacraments and leading students in adoration of the most holy Eucharist. EWTN Ireland joins the founder of the ministry, Antoinette Moynihan as she speaks to the students of Kentstown National School, in Co. Meath in Ireland and also films the work of COTE, at the annual national Eucharistic Pilgrimage to Ireland’s national Marian shrine, in Knock, Co. Mayo. Following a pioneer COTE mission in Alabama, in America, Antoinette is invited to share how children and families can encounter Jesus in a personal, intimate way through ‘Children of the Eucharist’, in a two-part programme, hosted by Jim & Joy Pinto on ‘At Home with Jim & Joy’. True Light Catholic Media interviews Antoinette and Fr. Aaron Zahra, Rector of St. Albert the Great College in Valetta, Malta where the programme was initiated in 2018. COTE help form true disciples of Jesus Christ, by helping children to come to know Him. It’s through the most Blessed Sacrament that, we encounter Jesus. COTE helps children to have a relationship with Jesus, through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.” special_css_class=”documentary-section text-center” style=”normal”] [/fullwidth_column] [/row] [/container]


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[section_bgcolor bgcolor=”#293235″ type=”zigzag” zigzagcolor=”#293235″] [container] [row] [fullwidth_column] [section_title title=”Keep Counting…” subtitle=”Jesus has met A LOT of children on the road with us!” special_css_class=”text-center” style=”inverted”] [/fullwidth_column] [1_of_4_column] [animated_counter special_css_class=”text-center” title=”Schools Visited” end_number=”300″ style=”inverted”] [/1_of_4_column] [1_of_4_column ] [animated_counter special_css_class=”text-center” title=”Children Who Have Met Jesus” end_number=”90000″ style=”inverted”] [/1_of_4_column] [1_of_4_column] [animated_counter special_css_class=”text-center” title=”Kilometres Covered” end_number=”700000″ style=”inverted”] [/1_of_4_column] [1_of_4_column] [animated_counter special_css_class=”text-center” title=”Countries Visited” end_number=”6″ style=”inverted”] [/1_of_4_column] [/row] [/container] [/section_bgcolor]

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[section_bgcolor bgcolor=”#ffffff” type=”zigzag” zigzagcolor=”#ffffff”] [container] [row] [fullwidth_column] [section_title title=”Meet The COTE Team” special_css_class=”text-center” style=”normal”] [/fullwidth_column] [1_of_4_column] [cote_single_testimonial name=”Antoinette Moynihan” img_url=”https://childrenoftheeucharist.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/antoinette-moynihan-150×150.jpg” text=”Founder & Coordinator” ] [/1_of_4_column] [1_of_4_column] [cote_single_testimonial name=”Fr. Lawrence Joseph” img_url=”https://childrenoftheeucharist.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/father-lawrence-joseph-cfr-spiritual-director-150×150.jpg” text=”Spiritual Director” ] [/1_of_4_column] [1_of_4_column] [cote_single_testimonial name=”Helen Hand” img_url=”https://childrenoftheeucharist.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/helen-hand-core-leader-150×150.jpg” text=”National Core Leader” ] [/1_of_4_column] [1_of_4_column] [cote_single_testimonial name=”Aoife Martin” img_url=”https://childrenoftheeucharist.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/aoife-martin-core-leader-150×150.jpg” text=”National Core Leader” ] [/1_of_4_column] [fullwidth_column special_css_class=”text-center”] [button url=”https://childrenoftheeucharist.ie/meet-the-team/” text=”Read More” style=”inverted” target=””] [/fullwidth_column] [/row] [/container] [/section_bgcolor]

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